Daily Devotionals
Day 73 – Matthew 9:8
We must be conscious of the finished work of the cross for our reconciliation with God and receiving of the Holy Spirit to empower us…
Day 72 – Matthew 9:9
We are called to follow the Lord, not a ritual, set of teachings, or even religion. The distinction of Christianity is in the intimacy of…
Day 71 – Exodus 6:9
There was a similar incident at the tomb when Mary couldn’t recognise the resurrected Christ because of her grief. Personal struggles and unresolved problems strongly…
Day 70 – Job 22:21-22
God is our greatest ally, not our enemy! No good that comes from disagreeing with a good God! He loves and desires the very best…
Day 69 – Ephesians 3:7
Many disciples of Christ feel ill-equipped and unsuitable to step into the demanding role of ministry. Due to this, many remain dormant and hidden in…
Day 68 – Proverbs 20:18
Doing life by ourselves without advice is never a smart thing to do. It is impossible for us to know everything and make wise decisions…
Day 67 – Psalm 78:41-42
Here’s an interesting account of the people of Israel concerning their failure with God. They missed and limited God from blessing them when they repeatedly…
Day 66 – Daniel 6:23
Your belief in God holds great power in determining the outcome of your life no matter the situation. Daniel had a great outcome when an…
Day 65 – Jeremiah 2:21
It is a given we should become better than our beginning over time. Sadly, this is not always true. Some have great starts but terrible…
Day 64 – John 14:7
Today’s verse declares the truth of who Jesus is and its implications in our daily lives. God is the Almighty with whom nothing is impossible…
Day 63 – Ephesians 3:11-12
While we have access to God through grace, our experience will differ according to faith. Faith is believing and accepting what God’s Word says as…
Day 62 – Galatians 2:21
As those who have been saved by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, not only were our sins forgiven. We were also given grace from…
Day 61 – 1 Samuel 7:17
There’s a very strong correlation between the spiritual and physical world. The material world is the manifestation of the spiritual. Our spiritual state affects our…
Day 60 – Genesis 2:3
The book of Genesis provides us with the foundation of God’s original design. The day of rest is not a human idea but God’s instituted…
Day 59 – Proverbs 17:13
What a statement! The truth of living is that whatever you are feeding, is what will rule over you. If you feed negative thoughts, more…