Daily Devotionals
Day 59 – Proverbs 17:13
What a statement! The truth of living is that whatever you are feeding, is what will rule over you. If you feed negative thoughts, more…
Day 58 – Micah 7:8
This verse is almost like speaking to yourself to remind and encourage yourself in the Lord. The first area we want to stay on top…
Day 57 – Revelation 3:11
Discussions concerning the ‘end times’ have always been a hot topic within the Christian circle. While these are healthy discussions, we must also discuss what…
Day 56 – 2 Peter 3:3-4
Though this Scripture was penned more than 2000 years ago, it still rings true today. As there were scoffers in those times, there are scoffers…
Day 55 – Acts 14:27
Have you been reporting what the Lord has done for you? Many often don’t share what the Lord has done for whatever valid reasons. The…
Day 54 – Ephesians 5:11
We have the dual role of both rejecting the works of darkness and exposing them to destroy them. As disciples of Christ, we are strategically…
Day 53 – Hebrews 13:15
The Scripture exhorts us to continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God and then explains that it is the fruit of our lips giving…
Day 52 – Ezekiel 12:1-2
In this verse, rebellious means hearing but not hearing and having eyes to see but refusing to see! What’s interesting is that it was not…
Day 51 – Jeremiah 2 :13
Mistakes and foolish decisions are common in life. However, there are those we should avoid and if possible, never do! In this verse, God lamented…
Day 50 – 1 Chronicles 16:23
Amid many daily challenges, we need a home base to return to. Today, we are taught to announce daily how the Lord has saved us.…
Day 49 – Esther 5:3
We all know the story of Esther who saved Israel from destruction because she put the interest of her people above her own. She had…
Day 48 – 1 Kings 4:29
King Solomon could reach the pinnacle of being the wisest and wealthiest person in human history because of two things God gave him as found…
Day 47 – Deuteronomy 33:29
Today, let us take stock of the blessedness as God’s people. While it is true that not everything is rosy and perfect, many things are…
Day 46 – Genesis 22:8, 14
Jehovah Jireh, the Lord my provider is a name of God known by many. Indeed, He is the Lord who will provide what we need…
Day 45 – Joshua 1:7
While we know that the Word of God can bring transformation if we embrace and live by it, many find it difficult to observe it…