Daily Devotionals
Day 14 – 2 Timothy 1:13
In life, it is not how much you hear, but how much you learn that really matters. We have only learnt when what was taught…
Day 13 – 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
The Kingdom of God operates in unity in diversities and not in singular uniformity. It is the Holy Spirit who works in all, unfolding the…
Day 12 – Romans 6:13
When we received Christ into our lives, a shift takes place – once of the kingdom of darkness, but now translated into the Kingdom of…
Day 11 – Mark 16:17
Divine signs follow you! Wow! The Christian life is unlike any other because it is a supernatural lifestyle. What’s amazing is that the idea of…
Day 10 – Acts 20:32
God’s words are amazing in that they not only build, but they are able to give you an inheritance among God’s people. The Word of…
Day 9 – Matthew 7:17-18
These two verses establish a powerful measurement of what is good or bad. It is the plumbline of judging something, someone, certain method or ways,…
Day 8 – Malachi 3:6
God being the eternally existing one, will always be the same. He doesn’t change! The understanding here is that He is consistent with what He…
Day 7 – Jeremiah 33:20-21
What an amazing passage about the permanency of God’s covenant with us! In essence, God is saying that His covenant will remain as long as…
Day 6 – Proverbs 21:31
Having an attitude that all things are of God and He’s the One who is the source of all our victories is a big plus…
Day 5 – 1 Samuel 25:32-33
How does God carry out His bidding on earth in response to our prayers? Many have the impression that either God Himself will literally come…
Day 4 – 1 Samuel 22:3
Here’s an interesting Scripture that we can relate to. The context of the verse was set during the time when David was hunted by King…
Day 3 – 1 John 5:14
Prayer is a God-given vehicle for empowerment and provision. The baseline to understand about prayer is that it is first a grace of God that…
Day 2 – 1 John 3:23
Today’s verse reminds us of a commandment we seldom notice. We are all aware of the commandment to love one another, but the commandment to…
Day 1 – 1 John 2:10
In the Gospel, the Lord said, “You shall know a tree by its fruits”. There are always telling signs and ‘fruits’ which either prove or…
Day 335 – Jude 1:24
Here is a powerful reminder of how wonderful and amazing our good shepherd is! The Lord not only feeds and nourishes us, but is also…