Daily Devotionals
Day 334 – Romans 16:17
It is said the church is not for the perfect but imperfect! How true this is! The church is a wonderful community of people who…
Day 333 – Ephesians 4:17
The Scripture exhorts us to be who we are and live the life that God has called us to because we are His people and…
Day 332 – Matthew 18:33
This verse is part of the parable that the Lord taught about a servant who owed a huge debt to the master and was forgiven…
Day 331 – Genesis 35:7
Here’s an interesting account of Jacob fulfilling what he promised to God in Genesis 28 while he fled from Esau. Twenty years later, Jacob returned…
Day 330 – 2 Samuel 24:24
David was offered the land and all he needed for free as burnt offerings to the Lord, but he refused them. Instead, he chose to…
Day 329 – Colossians 4:17
It’s not how well you start, but how well you finish that really matters. A good start is an advantage but doesn’t mean you will…
Day 328 – Daniel 12:3
Here is an amazing commendation from the word of God concerning those who lead many to righteousness. As disciples of Christ, we were commissioned to…
Day 327 – Isaiah 1:19
Obedience and willingness to follow the ways of the Lord is key to the abundance that God has planned. When God promised the children of…
Day 326 – 1 John 2:6
This verse gives a clarity to what it means to abide in Christ. In John 15, the Lord highlights abiding in Him as the key…
Day 325 – 2 Chronicles 27:6
In partnership with God, there are things which are God’s to do and those which are ours to do. We cannot do what is God’s…
Day 324 – 1 Peter 1:21
Faith and hope are only as powerful as the one you place your faith and hope in. Today, we are encouraged to place our faith…
Day 323 – Luke 7:50
The role of faith in the Christian life cannot be overemphasised. We must move with faith if we want what the grace of God has…
Day 322 – Hebrews 11:27
One of the modern-day dilemmas faced by most Christians is the practical application of what they know and had been taught. We hear so much…
Day 321 – 2 Thessalonians 1:3
Just like everything that’s living, faith can and should grow in our journey with the Lord. Each of us has a portion of faith –…
Day 320 – 1 John 4:4
What an awesome Scripture! Anyone who is of God is certainly in a stronger position because He who is in us is greater than he…